The Causative-To have something done (8th form) Test 3

Test 3. Rewrite the senteces using HAVE SOMETHING DONE

1.  My windows are cleaned twice a month.
2.  The star's latest film has just been released.
3.  Their swimming pool will be drained.
4.  The carpets must be laid in our flat by Monday.
5.  The brakes on my bike have been oiled.
6.  Our desk are being painted at the moment.
7.  Her bookcase was delivered last week.
8.  A new computer has been ordered for me.
9.  Annie's sculptures are going to be exhibited tomorrow.
10. A skateboard was being made for Tim.


1.  I have my windows cleaned twice a month.
2.  The star ahs had her latest film released.
3.  They will have their swiimming pool drained.
4.  We must have the carpet laid in our flat.
5.  I have had the brakes on my bike oiled. 
6.  We are having our desks painted at the moment.
7.  She had her bookcase delivered last week.
8.  I have had a new computer ordered.
9.  Annie's going to have her sculpture exhibited tomorrow.
10.  Tim was having a skateboard made.

Tags : Knowledge, English, Grammar

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