The Difference Between Travelling and a Holiday

Well Hello there, im Fiana from 3SA01 and in this blog i will tell you the difference

between travelling and holiday, 2 places I've visited + photos and of course i will recommend you about it. 

~The Difference Between Travelling and a Holiday

Do you travel or do you go on holiday ?

[Travelers in a British Airways 747 airplaneAir travel is a common means of transport.]

Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by footbicycleautomobiletrainboatbusairplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.

Motives for travel include:
  • pleasure
  • relaxation
  • discovery and exploration,
  • getting to know other cultures
  • taking personal time for building interpersonal relationships

That's short explanation about Travel. and now I will explain about Holiday.

August Bank Holiday 2016

well A holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law on which normal activities, especially business or work, are suspended or reduced. Generally, holidays are intended to allow individuals to celebrate or commemorate an event or tradition of cultural or religious significance. Holidays may be designated by governments, religious institutions, or other groups or organizations. The degree to which normal activities are reduced by a holiday may depend on local laws, customs, the type of job being held or even personal choices.
The concept of holidays often originated in connection with religious observances. The intention of a holiday was typically to allow individuals to tend to religious duties associated with important dates on the calendar. In most modern societies, however, holidays serve as much of a recreational function as any other weekend days or activities.

Here are the list of holiday :

  • 1Consecutive holidays
  • 2Religious holidays
    • 2.1Abrahamic religions holidays
      • 2.1.1Christian holidays
      • 2.1.2Islamic holidays
      • 2.1.3Jewish holidays
    • 2.2Dharmic religions holidays
      • 2.2.1Buddhist holidays
      • 2.2.2Hindu holidays
      • 2.2.3Sikh holidays
    • 2.3Other Middle/Far Eastern holidays
      • 2.3.1Bahá'í holidays
      • 2.3.2Chinese traditional holidays
    • 2.4Pagan holidays
      • 2.4.1Ancient Roman
      • 2.4.2Celtic, Norse, and Neopagan holidays
      • 2.4.3Other Pagan holidays
  • 3Western winter holidays in the Northern Hemisphere
  • 4Secular holidays
    • 4.1Regional

  • So do you understand the difference now?? The difference between Travel and holiday is is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, meanwhile Holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law on which normal activities.. If you have holiday in a few days you can travel to other places. if you dont have holiday, you dont have a single chance to travel with someone you love. But dont be sad, there will be another chance. :) 


    Okay next i will talk about the places i've visited. The places are Taman Safari Indonesia at Bogor  and Waterboom CIrebon.

    When i was in Holiday a year ago, i went to Taman Safari Indonesia (Bogor) with my families by car. but it doesnt mean we slept on Taman Safari too! we slept on small Villa and unexpectedly that Villa was Villa that i've visitied when i was in 10th grade, HAHA! that Villa has bath tub and double bed, i slept with my mom of course and it has swimming pool and large park :D. 

    Alright let's go back to the main topic. it was pretty hard to get Taman Safari... it was so damn a long journey, i mean the traffic jam. we wasted our time to wait it in car listened to music and ate. After i got there i bought 4 tickects, the tickets were pretty expensive (for me) but it was worth it. when we were inside we forgot to bring our umbrella. i went to Ghost House with my mom, meanwhile my little brother played with my daddy. we saw circus too... funny but the weather were really bad, rainy days.. oh yeah i saw truck too! 


    Big red truck and Mr.Little duck and his  happy family so cute and amazing right ?! oh yeah in the front area we were watching Drama Elephants, well i dont know what to call it but the humans role played with 3 elephants and one of the elephant can paint ! my lil brother bought the shirt that the elephant painted on it.. weird but cute :D 

    i give this place 5/5 stars ! I really reccomend you about this place, well because this place has so many interesting play rides for chiildren , young adult until adult ! the food wasnt really bad nor expensive. i want to go there once more !!! <3


    Okay the last place is Waterboom Cirebon

    I went there 3 weeks ago, i dont really like this place because it was  pretty expensive and also the price of the food. There were 2 cafes, one of them only sell one kind of food it was fried rice.. oh i went there with my cousins, dad, lil brother, ifah and molly.. it was pretty dirty when we went to the fish pond (tambak) and the bench was made from wood and it wasnt strong enough.. 


    That place is Cafe that sell many kind of food but the prices were pretty expensive and behind that there were waterboom and playgrounds and also place to stay it cost Rp. 4.000.000,00/night. I'd rather sleep on Hotel.


    I give 3/5 stars i recommend this for you who has children so they can play at playgrounds  or maybe swim.


    Maybe that's all i've got. I'm sorry if this post doesnt satisfy you :') if you COPY this post make sure put my link in your references. Thanks for reading ^_^


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