Passive Sentence

What Is a Passive Sentence? 

In a passive sentence, the subject does not perform the action in the sentence. In fact,
the action is performed on it
 How to Make passive ?
  Examples : 
¢ACTIVE  : (a) Mary helped the boy

¢PASSIVE : (b) The boy was helped by Mary
¢ACTIVE  : (c) An accident Happened 
¢PASSIVE : (d) none


¢Form of the passive : be + past participle 
¢In the passive, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb: “the boy” in (a)
  becomes the subject of the passive verb in (b). (a) and (b) have the same meaning 
¢Only transitive verb (verb that are followed by an object) are used in the passive. It’s not possible to
  use verbs such as happen, sleep, come and seem (intrasitive verb) in the passive.
Forms Active to Passive 
       ¢[simple present] – Mary helps John : John is helped by Mary 
       ¢[present progressive] – Mary is helping John : John is being helped by Mary 
¢[simple past] – Mary helped John : John was helped Mary
¢[present perfet] – Mary has helped John : John has been helped by Mary 
¢[Past Progressive] – Mary was helping John : John was being helped by Mary
¢[past perfect] – Mary had helped John : John had been helped by Mary

¢[simple future] – Mary will help John  : John will be helped by Mary

¢[be going to] Mary is going to help John : John is going to be helped by Mary
¢[future perfect] – Mary will have helped John : John will have been helped by

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