Short History about Kampung Bali, Jakarta

Hello Peeps ! Have you ever heard about Kampung Bali in Jakarta??? Well, i mean the history of it. If yes, well that's good! If no. i'll tell you about it in short way, okay? But let me tell you first that i just translated this text (Bahasa-English) from a book (i forgot to type down the source sowwie)  and i took these images from google images HAHAHAHAHAH <3


Kampung Bali, Jakarta

There are several villages in the DKI Jakarta Province that bear the name Kampung Bali because in the 17th or 18th century Balinese people was made those place became their settlement. Each region led by a leader of his ethnic group.

Meester Cornelis

To distinguish each other, it is now usually equipped with the name of a certain area that is close together and known. Such as Kampung Bali near at Jatinegara, once called Meester Cornelis as Bali Mester, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta Municipality. Bali Mester was recorded as a settlement of Balinese people since 1667.

Molenvliet West

Reinier de Klerk

Kampung Bali Krukut is located on of  West side Gajah Mada Street, once named Molenvliet West. On south side, that village borders the land belonging to Governor General Reinier de Klerk (1777-1780). In the land he built is currently made into the National Archives Building.

Pada 1709 di kawasan itu mulai pula bermukim orang-orang Bali di bawah pimpinan Gusti Ketut Badulu, yang permukimannya berseberangan dengan permukiman orang-orang Bugis, disebelah utara Bacherachtsgracht atau Jalan Pangeran Tubagus Angke sekarang. Perkampungan itu dulu dikenal dengan sebutan Kampung Gusti.

Kampung Bali Angke is now become Angke Village (Kelurahan Angke), Tambora District, West Jakarta. In 1709 that area began to settle with Balinese people under the leadership of Gusti Ketut Badulu, whose settlement is opposite the settlement of Bugis people, on the north side is Bacherachsgracht or we call it now as Pangeran Tubagus Angke Street. Those settlement was known as Kampung Gusti.

Angke Mosque

Java Bode Newspaper Illustration

There was an old mosque there which was built on 26 Sya'ban 1174 or 2 April 1761. In the front yard of the mosque, there’s cemetery; Prince Syarif Hamid’s Cemetery from Pontianak which is his biography was written in the Javabode newspaper on July 17, 1858. In this era, that mosque also known as Al-Anwar Mosque or Angke Mosque.

Maybe that's all from me, lel. In section "Meester Cornelis" the image is Meester Cornelis Senen not Jatinergara, but Jatinegara and Senen is pretty near so it's okay. In section Java Bode Newspaper, i just took it from Google randomly, it just and illustration from that newspaper. I am sorry, i can't find Prince Syarif Hamid (picture not the cemetery) and Gusti Ketut Badulu's picture. I am afraid to took it wrong. I hope your knowledge about the history of the name in Jakarta is increase now. SEE YA <3

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